About Us
The owners of Evolution Piping are Tom McCabe and John Prodromakis. These men combine more than 60 years of extensive diversified construction experience. Out of the diversity, evolves two very special characteristics shared by both. These men have the intimate knowledge of the HVAC and fire sprinkler field. Their total dedication to quality workmanship is what they pride themselves on.
Tom McCabe:
Top-notch Mechanical Service for 30 years
Design and Install Systems
Business Owner for 30 years
Chief Estimator
Project Supervisor
John Prodromakis:Third Generation SteamfitterLicensed Master Fire Suppressions of New York City and Long IslandLicensed Master Plumber on Long IslandCertified Welder for 30 yearsFour-Year Graduate ApprenticeshipStudied at Mechanics InstituteProject Supervisor